CALL US TODAY 714-928-2702
Professional Supervised Visitation Provider
Our Services
Intake Meeting
Intake Meeting- is a time when initial screening occurs in order to determine basic eligibility, fees, schedules and other court order discussions take place, and it is a time when it begins the ongoing process of receiving and maintaining current and relevant information on the family. Both the custodial and non-custodial parents need to be interviewed at separate times prior to the first visitation. Prior to the interview, some documentation will be provided to the parents by the Monitor.
$25 per Parent
Off-site Visits
Off-Site Visits-is the contact between the non-custodial parent and the child(ren) in the presence of a neutral third person (Provider/Monitor) at a location acceptable to the court order and both parents. The neutral third person (Provider/Monitor) is responsible for the safety of those involved and observing the visit.
$40 - $50, Two Hour Minimum
Supervised Telephone Monitoring
Supervised Telephone Monitoring-Three-way calling using the telephone to allow children to keep in touch with their absent parent. The Child Visitation Monitor is also silently listening as per court order.
Hourly Rate
Supervised Monitor Exchange
Supervised Monitor Exchange- is the transfer of the child(ren) from one parent to the other under the supervision of the Monitor with the remainder of the parent/child(ren) contact unsupervised. Precautions are taken to assure that the two parents exchanging the child(ren) do not come in contact.
Hourly Rate
Reports-Professional monitors must keep records for each case, The purpose for the reports are to record each contact and visit, the attendees of the visit, and any incidence of abuse as required by law. Upon request, detailed or summary reports are available to a parent, an attorney or the courts.
Flat Fees Apply
Court Testimony
Court Testimony (with Subpoena)-If a Supervised Visitation Monitor is subpoenaed to make an appearance in court to testify regarding a family that I (we) had observed, a half or full day fee would apply and the parents would be responsible to pay.
Flat Fees Apply